Thursday, September 30, 2010

Show some emotion.

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal explained the current situation that our President is in. As Obama was in the middle of a town hall meeting on Monday, September the twentieth, a woman stood up to speak to him. The woman can be described as a dignified African American, and appears to be what she is, an Obama supporter from 2008. It appeared as though she would give Obama an easy question, but instead she dropped a bombshell, explaining that she was exhausted of defending him and his administration, and she was disappointed with where they were. Being the cool, detached President that he is, Obama responded by listing all of his achievements, such as tuition assistance (really?), and health care. True to his form, Obama was once again off-topic.

The word that sticks out most out of what the woman said would have to be "exhausted." And as far as I can see, it would appear that most Democrats are exhausted. It seems even they can get tired of waiting for the change they were promised. The battle between the Democrats and the Republicans can pretty much be described as the battle between the burnt out and the revved up. It has been noted that voters are attending rallies with something new. Information. They have in their hands, fresh from the internet, copies of bills and roll call votes. With the internet, it is now impossible for the government to escape the eyes of the people as often as they used to. And as much as I hate, HATE, the Tea Party, they're not stupid. They're just angry. Which is more emotion than Obama has ever shown.

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