Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mind games.

I couldn't really decide on a single topic for tonight's blog, so as I looked through Wall Street Journal, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Sac Bee, and various news websites (mostly BBC), I settled on basing this blog on pretty much nothing. Nothing in particular that is. I'll start with the attempted repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." This week, the Republicans stopped the bill from passing in the Senate, though it has already passed the House. Led by Sen. McCain, the Republicans said the issue should wait for the outcome of a Pentagon survey of service members on the repeal. The Republicans see the bill as a political ploy, based on some of the amendments involved. One such amendment would grant citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants if they graduate from high school and spend two years in college or the military. The Democrats argue that it could strengthen the military, but the Republicans have called it out as a ploy by the Senator that propsed it to graner votes in his heavily Hispanic district. Which, if I were to think about it, which I did, does make some sense. A bill that is centered on the military equality of gays shouldn't really have included a section about immigration, should it? I'm all for the repeal of the law, truly I am. Anyone that is willing to risk their life for the country is good in my book, but drop all the political BS and pass the bill. On a sidenote, Obama promised to have this issue settled a while ago. Woops.

In other news, just in case anyone hasn't noticed, there's a new thing called the Tea Party. The TP is group of what are basically anti-government, and perhaps anti-just-about-everything. Sarah Palin jumped on as a "founder," though in reality she's just along for the ride. A Republican senator from South Carolina has also joined in, and has begun running his own group of Partier's, going against his own party members. The new Party members have begun causing problems for the Republicans, creating issues in the primaries. The result could be a very unmanageable GOP, one which might be divided on grounds as simple as spending bills. The problems could spread to war, Medicare, and Social Security. Love'em or hate'em, they're here to stay for at least a little while. And yes Democrats, you can love them too, as they might just swing the Independent votes in your favor.

Lastly, the "President" of Iran made another scathing speech about American capitalism and the evil Israelis. He ended up preaching to what was basically an empty room at the UN. But what else is new, right?

And now for a completely unrelated political funny.
P.S. - Sorry for any errors, I was exhausted while writing this as I was in the midst of a family emergency.

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