Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Love him or hate him.

Say what you want about former President George W. Bush, but the guy has a certain aura about him that denotes him as a man's man. Whether people agree with him or not, they all know where they stand with him. Recently, he has become a prime example of how to turn the other cheek and act stay clear of with humility. But in order for one to truly turn the other cheek as a legitmate option, they must also be able to do otherwise. Take, for instance, something like, say... Canada. They like to say that they foreign affairs and wars overseas because they "turn the other cheek," as if they know better. Nuh unh. They're not turning the other cheek. They're pulling a Sweden circa World War II. They don't have the military might to choose any other option outside of remaining uninvolved. Now as stupid as this sounds, a prime example of true power is the continued existence of Canada. yeah.

The fact that Canada exists isn't an example of their power. Quite the opposite. The fact that they exist demonstrates the power of the United States. Hear me out. The United States would heavily benefit from conquering a region so rich in natural resources. But we don't. Instead, the U.S. decides to make relationships beneficial to both countries. That's real power. Obama repeatedly points to G.W. Bush as if he is everything that is wrong with the world. Instead of coming out and pointing out all of Obama's shortcomings, Mr. Bush instead decides to remain silent. That's a show of true power. What a stud.

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